Life with Lucia & Glynn

Life with Lucia & Glynn

The abundance of spam on social media is appalling. Numerous spam accounts have been leaving comments on both our personal and business pages. It’s disheartening to see Facebook’s lack of support.

They only allow communication through the advertising tab, exclusively for advertising matters, and nothing else. They expect users to pay for account verification in order to receive support, which I strongly disagree with. Please exercise caution when interacting with others to avoid falling victim to scams.

The issue began during our cruise trip. Fortunately, Instagram doesn’t present this problem, but our WhatsApp experience is equally as troublesome as Facebook.

I hope I won’t have to delete and start over, as I’ve built up nine years’ worth of content. Thankfully, the group is currently protected. Other social media platforms like Youtube, Snapchat, and TikTok (some are equally problematic) contribute to this chaotic state of affairs.

It’s disheartening to witness the state of the world today.